Manage Stock Levels
It helps you estimate how long your stock will last and you can monitor the quality of inventory management.
The app uses an unsupervised machine learning model to categorize each product into one of three main categories, enabling more accurate and efficient forecasting.
The app analyzes your sales and stock data to calculate the sales speed and stock coverage days for each product.
With application, you can easily keep track of your inventory levels, predict future needs, and avoid running out or having too much stock.
Data upload
You can upload an Excel file or integrate with an API or a cloud service.
Easy to Use
The app is simple and intuitive design makes it easy to use, helping you make better decisions and keep your business running smoothly.
Our Vision
Estimate Stock Duration: Gain insights into how long current stock will last based on calculated sales speed and stock coverage for each product.
Optimize Inventory Levels: Accurately predict future stock requirements to avoid shortages or surpluses.
Make Data-Driven Decisions: With real-time tracking and clear visualizations, businesses can easily monitor inventory levels and act proactively.